While so many people are suffering on this planet (poor Japan--I hope people there will recover and come out from the ruins the earthquake left them in) there are so many children in America who demand a new this and a new that. These tweens of the era demand too much. Today, while I was shopping in Target, I was overhearing a conversation between a 12 year old girl and her father. When I heard the girl open her mouth, I immediately felt bad for the father. She went from one article of clothing to the next, wanting her father to get each one, apparently. And then she came across some jeans and she exclaimed, "These are the jeans that the girl in Zoe 101 wears all the time." This statement really made me roll my eyes. Are TV shows ruining the values of kids today (not to mention that the jeans were totally destroyed) or are parents allowing their kids to become ruins of media? The other day, I was watching a program on TV about people obsessed with the show Dexter. To me, although I haven't seen this show, I can make a wise conclusion that it is very goory and nasty and heck-why would I watch it when I refuse to be a doctor because of blood. Anyhow, those obsessed viewers of Dexter became obsessed killers. In my point of view, parents should take charge of their children and separate fact from fiction. Dexter and Zoe 101 are not reality, thank you.